The world wakes up to wind
双击自动滚屏 发布者:mucee 发布时间:12/11/2009 阅读:6815

With the summer break now over, the wind energy sector returns to work at a crucial time for the industry.

Congress has been swamped by a raging debate over public healthcare for much of the summer. There are fears that the seemingly endless arguing could delay or even threaten President Barack Obama''s climate change bill — theoretically the next major item on the legislative itinerary — which will lay down a framework and dictate much of the market for wind in North America.

This month''s Windpower Monthly examines how the uncertainly over US policy is causing knock–on effects north of the border. An investigation and interviews with leading players in Canada explores how the US''s windy, but less populous, neighbour may have to wait for Congress to make its direction clear before finalising its carbon legislation.

Still in North America, Windpower Monthly reveals and analyses GE''s preliminary victory in the extraordinary court battle with Mitsubishi over a potentially market–defining patent infringement.

Meanwhile, two wind markets have finalised key pieces of renewables legislation that are set to dictate the market for wind energy. In France, the first of the policies developed two years ago at a national summit to develop environment policy has become law.

In Australia, the country''s Labor administration has finally cleared its renewable energy target after months of political wrangling. Windpower Monthly explores the legislation how it will affect the wind market.

There''s news and analysis from Germany too. There, tough grid codes are coming in to force and the magazine examines how realistic they are and how they will affect owners of the country''s large fleet of older turbines.


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